Idol was promoting his first album, just released at the onset of the tour from which this recording was made, when he performed this show to be broadcast by WLIR for the King Biscuit Flower Hour. This show is a tour de force that includes many classic Idol songs now affiliated with his career: including “Hot In the City,” “White Wedding,” “Dancing With Myself” and “Mony Mony.”
Even though this performance was taped early on in their partnership, the magic between Idol and Stevens is clearly a strong one. He and Stevens brought the punk edge to the standard singer/guitar scenario that duos like Jagger/Richards, Bowie/Ronson and Tyler/Perry so carefully crafted; it's a relationship that is still going strong today.
For a relatively new band, the performances from this night are amazingly tight. They excel on the old Gen X song “Kiss Me Deadly,” and rock out hard on several others: including “Dead On Arrival,” “Nobody’s Business,” “It’s So Cruel,” “Ready Steady Go” and “Come On Come On.”
Billy Idol - vocals
Steve Stevens - guitar, vocals
Phil Feit - bass
Greg Gerson - drums
Judi Dozier - keyboards
Baby Talk 3:04
Untouchables 4:22
Come On, Come On 5:21
Hot In The City 4:09
Dead On Arrival 4:03
King Rocker 2:21
Ready Steady Go 3:09
Hole In The Wall 5:09
Shooting Stars 4:56
Kiss Me Deadly 5:57
White Wedding 7:21
Nobody's Business 5:10
Dancing With Myself 5:42
Mony Mony 4:21
Triumph 4:41
49MB, WMA 9.1 VBR, 74 Minutes
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Hi. Unfortunately, it's offline now. One comment about your wmv-rips. They are hardly playable on linux. It would be cool to see mp3 or ogg or flac rips, since they are not limited to windows but play on linux and mac also. Cheers from Germany and thanks for the mix tapes. Stephan
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Yet another new link:
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