Thursday, October 29, 2009

WHFS 99.1 XXXIV TOM T 08-07-1987 From DaveB

This is a sweet tape from WHFS 99.1 Deejay Tom T. Taped on a Friday evening in August of 1987.
I guess we all know Tom recently passed away from a bout with cancer. R.I.P Tom T!

Lots of great tunes here, and an especially nice 12" remix of It's Immaterial's "I Mean After All It's Only Dead Man's Curve". Don't think I've heard this version before. Anyway, grab it and let us know what you think and give Dave some love...

The Truth, Erasure, Dreamtime, Paranorma, Bill Bruford, U2, Leona Byrd, Difjuze, Jennifer Warren, The Nylons, David Sylvian, Bruce Cockburn, It's Immaterial, 10,000 Maniacs

169MB, MP3@320, 93 Minutes

Tom T Here


  1. I appreciate your scanning these labels and tapes... Everyone used to speak so highly of the TDK tapes, but I really loved the Maxell XLIIS tapes -- at least, until the Denon tapes came along. I don't know why, but they really seemed to sound better. Higher highs and all of that (not that it really matters when recording off the radio).

    If I didn't see the label, I would've thought you were lying... Two XXXIV tapes??? Hrmph. How could I do that!!!

    I am downloading the tape now to listen to tomorrow evening... but I just wanted to say thanks for doing this (again) -- and for bearing through all of the morass of errors (wrong tapes, duplicate tape numbers -- but with different music, tapes that have been warped by the sun and pliers!, etc... )

    And on top of that, we have found a few more tapes here around the house... I will have to send those on their way to CB for listening and ripping pleasure too... :)

    Dave B.

  2. Just a hello! from Greece. Thanks for the music!!!

  3. No need to apologize Dave...It's just awesome to go back in time for 90 minutes! Hopefully eill get another one on here today...

  4. Thanks AboutARiver....good to see you from Greece! Enjoy

  5. Wow... I never really realized how good all this music is... I have put all of the music here on my IPOD and have been listening to it at work -- needless to say it takes several days to go through all of these sessions.

    Today I was listening to XXXIV (the second one :)) and was really impressed by how timeless some of the music is. WHFS was terrific in that regard. And I am so happy that Josh, Bob, and others have provided their music as well. These time slices are terrific reminders -- like you said CB, these time capsules are "awesome".

    (BTW -- my rant about two (2) XXXIV's was really just a rant about my own inability to count! Making these tapes over time (a long period of time at that) and I often lost track of tapes I had made -- esp. those made in the middle of the night!

    Thanks again CB for working with these and making them available for everyone. They are really terrific...

    I can't wait to hear this next one!

    Dave B.

  6. On deck is part two of this show. I'm sure it's a good one!

  7. New Post:

  8. Links appear to be dead, are the Tom-T shows online anywhere else?

  9. Mash,
    Here is a new link. Sadly, It was back when disk space was expensive, and I compressed it. Sounds good in a car or WMA/MP3 player.
