Thursday, August 20, 2015

WHFS 102.3 MILO OCTOBER 30 1981, Shared by Jim

My new main man Jim has sent us yet another fine tape of 'HFS tunes from October of 1981...below is the text from his email:

Here’s a short tape that I missed when I shared two David in October 81 tapes last month. It’s just over 60 minutes from Friday, October 30, 1981, hosted by Milo.  The music moves from then current New Wave acts back a few years to the Punk scene from the late 70’s.

Side A: Martha and the Muffins, The Stranglers, Psychedelic Furs, The Cure, The Police, Bebop Deluxe, Tom Robinson Band

Side B: Soft Cell, Thomas Leer, Lene Lovich, The Young Professionals, Dead Kennedys, The Buzzcocks, ?, Sparks 

 I also found this in the archives where I wrote down the WHFS lineup in August 1981:

Jim, all good stuff! Thanks as always for sharing! 


  1. Here is some trivia: Diane's opening and closing theme was the instrumental "Bryter Layter" by Nick Drake. No one knew what it was called then and for some reason we never called the station to ask what it was. But the 'HFS clique in my high school all loved that theme, proving Drake might just have had an audience if he'd gotten the right exposure.

    Anyway, about four years down the road I bought the "Fruit Tree" box set after reading about Drake in an old issue of Trouser Press. Boy was I surprised to find "Diane's Theme" among the tracks. Who knew?

    -- Tony S.

  2. Funny, no one thought to ask, Keep 'em coming Tony!

  3. I think the reason we didn't call her and ask was that it was long distance, we were usually in school when we discussed this, and long distance phone calls were not easily made back then. There were no cell phones.

    When we interviewed Weasel I had to make a bunch of calls from Howard County to Bethesda regarding scheduling, directions, etc., and I remember my folks asking about the charges on the bill.

    Anyway, if I can find my old 'HFS articles, would you be interested in posting them? I did two interviews with Weasel -- the second one of which was a feature on WHFS's revival in Annapolis when it briefly had the call letters WLOM.

    I also had taped some of Bob Here Showacre's New Year's Day show from either 1984 or 1985. Might still have it somewhere...

    -- Tony S.
