Sunday, June 30, 2013

I have a new (old school) cassette deck coming in this week...I may post all those old tapes Bill sent me 4 years ago...he probably deserves to get them posted...anyone care?


  1. Sounds really great, please post them when you can!


  2. I do! I was tagging the John Palumbo solo stuff I DLed from here back in '08 and I re-stumbled across your blog on the same day you make your first post in 6 months. Coincidence? I think not. Well,OK, probably so. But still.... I'll book mark ya once again! Welcome Back!


  3. I do! I was just listening to/tagging the John Palumbo stuff I got from here many years ago and re-stumbled across your blog on the same day you make your first post in 6 months. Coincidence? Well, OK, probably so, but still...Welcome Back! I'll be checking back. shmoopatties

  4. Goddamn this stupid f-ing blogger comment form. No wonder bloggers always complain about not getting's been a royal pain trying to leave a comment. 9th times a charm? I care and welcome back. If this one doesn;t go through I'm done trying.

  5. Yes, yes, yes and... please yes!

  6. it's been like four years since Bill and I talked...he sent me around 30 tapes. He says most are HFS and some mix tapes.
    It's going to an adventure almost all of them have no labels on them at all...One dose say Awesome HFS...I might post that one first....
