Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dave Edmunds King Biscuit 06-27-1982 WIYY 98 ROCK

This is Dave Edmunds on the King Biscuit Flower Hour, Taped by me on 06-27-1982 from WIYY 98 ROCK, Baltimore, MD. This show is different than the official KBFH release. It's from way back and the show is awesome. The tape is pretty old but still sounds great.

01 - From Small Things Big Things Come

02 - Crawling From The Wreckage, Henry Jr Ford

03 - Girls Talk

04 - Fine Fine Fine

05 Me And The Boys

06 - I Hear You Knockin'

07 - I Knew The Bride

WMA 9.1 @96kps



  1. thanks for the dave edmunds. i've been a fan for a long time. i was in physical therapy with a west virginia kayaker named sarah. needless to say she didn't work this summer. charleston, wv, btw.

  2. My fault: Why didn't I find your blog months and months ago. It's great. Plus, WHFS when it was great. Thanks

  3. I live in Maryland but frequent WV often with my Kayak and Canoes in tow....Enjoy Dave Edmunds!
    Hop Sarah mends soon...

  4. WHFS is dead and gone....I have hundreds of hours taped and compressed an ready to post if anyone is interested...
    Thanks for the kind comments!

  5. Thanks for the great posts.. pls keep up the great work :)

  6. Hello friend,


    Best regards,

  7. Thanks for sharing this treat! Some adjustments to the song titles for the better:

    01 - From Small Things (Big Things One Day Come)
    02 - Crawling From The Wreckage/Dear Dad
    03 - Girls Talk
    04 - You Ain't Nothing But Fine
    05 - Me And The Boys
    06 - I Hear You Knockin'
    07 - I Knew The Bride (When She Used To Rock & Roll)

    Track 1: Bruce Springsteen penned song; he wrote it for Dave!

    Track 4 originally recorded for the 1980 Rockpile album "Seconds of Pleasure" - vocals by Geraint Watkins (and most likely on accordion too)

  8. Thanks for the awesome feedback and settin' the record straight, and the trivia!
